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Brand Developing Rebranding

Approximately 89% of B2B marketers reported that their rebranding efforts were at least somewhat successful.

What is rebranding?
It is the process of creating a new company identity.


When to use rebranding?

Lack of engagement

Outdated look

Loss of relevancy

Need for differentiation


What are the benefits of rebranding?

Brand growth

New vision


Mergers or acquisitions

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What are the key stages of rebranding at Ligeniqo?

We go through a very thorough process:

Brand Identity Questionnaire

Determine your brand identity and set the stage for all the rebranding efforts.

Understand your ideal customer

Use social media, email, and any other tools to learn more about your customers – their expectations, pain points, and the solutions they require.

Analyze Competitors

Understand what makes your brand special.

Define Brand's Identity and Voice

Go back to the origins of your company can ground your rebrand and place it in context.

Write a Rebranding Manifesto

Cover your mission, purpose, the extent of the rebranding, the strategies you will use, and the timeframe for the whole process.

Create Rebranding Guidelines

Keep your new brand identity consistent across various channels.

Rebrand Across Channels

Start with your website and blog and move to social media.

A signature color can increase brand recognition by 80%.



Looking for plans and pricing?

Get a preview of our Rebranding services plans starting from $/month!


A questions you may ask

Signs that indicate a need for rebranding include declining market share, a disconnect between the brand and its target audience, negative perceptions, outdated branding elements, or changes in the company’s direction or values.

Rebranding can positively impact a company’s reputation by revitalizing its image, attracting new customers, and signaling growth or innovation. However, poorly executed rebranding efforts can lead to confusion, loss of trust, or negative backlash from loyal customers.

The duration of the rebranding process varies depending on the complexity of the project, the size of the organization, and the extent of changes required.
It can range from several months to over a year from inception to full implementation.

Maintaining consistency is essential during rebranding to avoid confusion and maintain brand equity. Companies can achieve this by developing comprehensive brand guidelines, providing training to staff, updating all brand touch points simultaneously, and monitoring compliance throughout the transition.
