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Brand Developing
SEM Service (Search Engine Marketing)

Businesses make an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 they spend on Google Ads.

SEM Service (Search Engine Marketing)
is the process of using paid advertising to ensure that your business’s products or services are visible on search engine results pages (SERPs).

SEM Service

SEO and SEM Compared:

SEO, or search engine optimization, allows your content to appear in organic search results.
These listings show up on result pages based on Google’s analysis of their content and how it relates to search queries, while SEM focuses on the use of paid advertisements to rank at the top of SERPs.


of shoppers buy online using their phones.

SEM Service

What are the key stages to your SEM Management sevices?

We go through a very thorough process:

Keyword Intent

Research to determine what keywords to bid on or what queries you want your ad to show up for.

Target Audience

Create a narrative in your brand's ads that speak directly to the viewer's needs and aspirations, where the ad that resonates on a personal level is more likely to engage and convert.

Account and Campaign Structure
Analytics and Reporting

Analytics and Reporting

When comparing the top organic result on Google with the top sponsored result, the organic SERP gets 19x more clicks.



Looking for plans and pricing?

Get a preview of our SEM services plans starting from $/month!


A questions you may ask

SEM ads typically come in various formats, including text ads, display ads, shopping ads, and video ads. Text ads appear at the top or bottom of search engine results pages, while display ads are shown on websites within the Google Display Network. Shopping ads display product images and prices directly in search results, while video ads appear on YouTube and other video platforms.

In SEM, advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their products or services. When a user enters a search query that matches a keyword in the advertiser’s campaign, the search engine runs an auction to determine which ads will be displayed and in what order. The ads are ranked based on a combination of bid amount and ad quality score.

Remarketing, also known as retargeting, is a strategy used in SEM to target users who have previously visited your website but did not convert. By showing targeted ads to these users as they browse other websites or social media platforms, you can re-engage them and encourage them to return to your site and complete a desired action.

SEM is a broader term that encompasses various paid advertising strategies to promote websites in search engine results. PPC, or pay-per-click, is a specific pricing model used in SEM where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. PPC is one of the most common forms of SEM advertising.
