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DEMAND GENERATION Webinars Support Service

73% of B2B marketers say webinars are the best way to generate quality leads.

What is a Webinars Support service ?

webinar is an online seminar that aims to convey relevant information to educate a specific audience about a product or a service, and webinar marketing, is the art of creating and developing the right content to achieve that end goal of getting a good number of high-quality leads. 

Webinars Support Service

Who needs Webinars Support service?

Any company who wants to show case their products or services through webinars.

Webinars Support Service

What are the benefits of Webinars Support service?

Drive conversion.

Generate leads.

Retain viewer attention.

Warm up leads quickly.

Webinars Support Service

What are the key stages in Webinars Support service?

Before creating your email marketing campaigns, we tailor a detailed strategy and create the process to align with your goals. We:

Create a Project Roadmap and Set Goals:

Set a clear understanding of your objectives, milestones, deliverables, resources, and planned timeline.

Create a webinar event:

Prepare the content and materials for the webinar, including creating slides or presentations, developing talking points, and testing technology such as audio and video equipment.

Set Up CRM and List Segmentation:

Send webinar follow-up emails or push webinar attendees into other email marketing workflows that are triggered by opting in.


Evaluate the success of the webinar based on key metrics such as attendance, engagement, and feedback. Insights gathered during this stage can inform future webinar strategies and improvements.

99% of marketers believe webinars represent a critical element of their marketing plans.



Looking for plans and pricing?

Get a preview of our Webinar Support services plans starting from $/month!


A questions you may ask

Businesses can host various types of webinars with support services, including informational webinars, product demos, training sessions, thought leadership presentations, panel discussions, Q&A sessions, virtual conferences, and collaborative workshops tailored to their audience’s needs and interests.

Webinar support assists with technical setup and troubleshooting by ensuring that webinar platforms are properly configured, audio and video equipment are functioning correctly, internet connectivity is stable, and participants can access the webinar link or join the event without encountering any issues. Support staff are available to address any technical challenges that may arise during the webinar.

Webinar support handles post-event follow-up and engagement by sending thank-you emails to attendees and non-attendees, providing access to webinar recordings or additional resources, collecting feedback through surveys or polls, analyzing webinar performance metrics, nurturing leads generated from the webinar, and planning future follow-up activities or events.

Strategies to increase webinar attendance and retention include promoting the webinar through multiple channels and touchpoints, sending timely and personalized email invitations and reminders, offering valuable incentives or exclusive content for attending, hosting teaser sessions or pre-event networking opportunities, optimizing webinar timing and duration to accommodate participants’ schedules, and providing engaging and relevant content that addresses attendees’ interests and pain points.
